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Industry Insights


Montgomery: No, Doctors Aren't the Culprits 09/17/2024
By: Catherine Montgomery
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
It’s time to take a sledgehammer to one of the most pernicious myths about workers’ comp in California. ...Read More

Stevens: Resolving Disputes Over Sending Deposition to PQME 09/16/2024
By: Daniel R. Stevens
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
Objections to providing a panel-qualified medical evaluator with a copy of applicant’s deposition are one of the more unusual disputes in the Labor Code 4062.2 process. Fortunately, there are tools for defense attorneys to get the matter before a judge. ...Read More

Moore: Claim Contact Deadline Still 24 Hours 09/13/2024
By: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
After receiving a first report of injury, how quickly the injured worker receives contact from the claims adjuster remains a critical element.  ...Read More

Snyder: Ain't No Fairy Godmother Coming to Help You 09/11/2024
By: Teddy Snyder
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
I see parties in mediation who seem to think the facts and law of their case will magically change. ...Read More

Fish: Employer Responsible for Injury Aggravation 9 Years After Settlement 09/09/2024
By: Mike Fish
State: AL | Segment: SOUTH | 0
On Aug. 16, the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals released its opinion in Victoryland v. Patricia Dianne Arnold w...Read More

Barthel: Preparing for Doctor Deposition 09/04/2024
By: Donald R. Barthel
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
Discovery with med-legal experts can dictate the direction of a case, which makes understanding doctor deposition strategy an essential tool for attorneys and practitioners to have. ...Read More

Moore: Multistate Claims Adjusting Is a Balancing Act 08/28/2024
By: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
Becoming a multistate workers' comp claims adjuster ends up as an eye-opening experience. ...Read More
CAAA: Farmworker Heat Presumption Heads to Floor Vote 08/27/2024
By: California Applicants' Attorneys Association
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
California Senate Bill 1299, a critical piece of legislation aimed at protecting farmworkers from the dangers of extreme heat, has successfully passed through the Assembly Appropriations Committee, the final significant obstacle before heading to the Assembly floor. With strong suppo...Read More

Moreno and Fortner: Another One Bites the Dust 08/26/2024
By: Patrick R. Moreno and Rachel Fortner
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
In August 2023, our case brief addressed the panel decision of Marva Smith v. Solar Turbines Inc., involving a vexatious applicant. ...Read More

Geaney: Legislation Increases Counsel Fees to 25% 08/23/2024
By: John H. Geaney
State: NJ | Segment: NORTH | 0
On Thursday, acting Gov. Nicholas Scutari signed legislation increasing counsel fees for petitioners’ attorneys, from 20% to 25%.  ...Read More
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