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Paduda: Opioids, NSAIDs and Better Options

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 0

The Workers Compensation Research Institute's latest report on drugs in workers’ comp has some excellent news: Opioid usage dropped 29% from Q1 2021 to Q1 2023.

Joe Paduda

Joe Paduda

WCRI’s data is from 28 study states representing the vast majority of workers’ comp drug spend.

It may well be that NSAIDs are replacing opioids, a welcome event but not without potential downsides — namely, side effects of some NSAIDs and far too much physician dispensing of these (mostly) very cheap drugs.

Fortunately, other promising therapies with very low risk are also now available.

The Food and Drug Administration has authorized AppliedVR’s RelieVRx for treatment of chronic low-back pain. RelieVRx’s authorization came after extensive research and massive clinical trials; the latest included more than 1,000 participants.

The study was a large, randomized controlled trial, evaluating virtual reality therapy for treating chronic low-back pain at home. Published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health, the study found that AppliedVR’s RelieVRx program produced clinically meaningful improvements in severe and diverse adults with CLBP.

What does this mean for you?

Much safer and quite effective treatment for chronic low back pain equals lower risk and excellent outcomes.

AppliedVR is a Health Strategies Associates consulting client. And I’m damn proud to work with them.

Joseph Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates, a consulting firm focused on improving medical management programs in workers’ compensation. This column is republished with his permission from his Managed Care Matters blog.


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