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Industry Insights


Geaney: Legislation Increases Counsel Fees to 25% 08/23/2024
By: John H. Geaney
State: NJ | Segment: NORTH | 0
On Thursday, acting Gov. Nicholas Scutari signed legislation increasing counsel fees for petitioners’ attorneys, from 20% to 25%.  ...Read More

Paduda: Another Worker Heat Tragedy 08/22/2024
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
Last week, a UPS driver suffering from heat exhaustion crashed his truck. ...Read More
CAAA: Major Corruption Engulfs Cal/OSHA 08/20/2024
By: California Applicants' Attorneys Association
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
Cal/OSHA, the California agency responsible for enforcing workplace standards, has faced significant challenges with corruption within its ranks. In 2018, Richard Fazlollahi, a district manager for Cal/OSHA's Santa Ana office, was arrested and later convicted for his role in a bribery...Read More

Young: Survivor Bills 08/19/2024
By: Julius Young
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
On Thursday, two California workers’ compensation bills survived the August legislative suspense file graveyard. ...Read More

Speekenbrink and Peters: AI and Empathetic Workers' Comp Adjusters 08/15/2024
By: Tycho Speekenbrink and John Peters
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
Marie, a dedicated workers' compensation adjuster, faces an endless stream of complex claims. ...Read More

Snyder: Nudging Parties to Choose Settlement 08/14/2024
By: Teddy Snyder
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
At every stage in conflict resolution, parties face an array of choices, but they don’t always recognize them. ...Read More

Moore: What Happened to Micro-Captive Risk Management? 08/13/2024
By: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
Micro-captive risk management was one of the hot topics until the 831(b) captives disappeared from the workers' comp insurance scene. ...Read More

Montgomery: Mandatory E-Billing Approaches 08/12/2024
By: Catherine Montgomery
State: NY | Segment: NORTH | 0
New York's Workers’ Compensation Board is asking providers to be proactive and get ahead of a major impending change: Electronic billing will be mandatory by this time next year. ...Read More

Johnson: SIBTF Study Is a Failure of Analysis 08/09/2024
By: Arthur L. Johnson
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
At the beginning of the 20th century, the “grand bargain” was enacted. That grand bargain provided: ...Read More

Montgomery: DWC Defies Law, Botches WCIS 08/08/2024
By: Catherine Montgomery
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
Without reliable data, no government can understand — let alone solve — the problems of any major system. Yet California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation has openly defied California legislators and failed to gather vital workers’ comp data, in unabashed viol...Read More
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