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Industry Insights


Paduda: OSHA Makes Progress on Heat Exposure 06/14/2024
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
In a key step to help protect workers from excessive heat, OSHA’s Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH) met to review a draft rule’s initial regulatory framework....Read More
CAAA: SB 1299's Heat Presumption Is Critical 06/13/2024
By: California Applicants' Attorneys Association
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
Late last month, the California Senate voted 29-9 to pass SB 1299, by Sen. Dave Cortese, D-Campbell). The bill now moves to the Assembly Insurance Committee. SB 1299 would create a presumption that heat-related injuries and illnesses arose out of employment for outdoor agri...Read More

Snyder: Tolstoy on Mediated Settlements 06/12/2024
By: Teddy Snyder
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
All successful mediations are alike. Each unsuccessful mediation is unsuccessful in its own way. ...Read More

Moore: Class Code 5606: Who's the Boss? 06/11/2024
By: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
Over the last decade, workers' comp class code 5606 has generated so many questions from insureds. ...Read More

Switzer: Smoothing Those Bumps in the Road 06/10/2024
By: Judge Kenneth M. Switzer
State: TN | Segment: SOUTH | 0
In March, I authored an article entitled “Important Change Coming Soon.” The gist of the article was to report that beginning on March 25, all mediations would end in the issuance of a...Read More

Paduda: What's Up With Optum Workers' Comp? 06/06/2024
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
Tuesday's non-announcement that ExamWorks bought Optum’s Settlement (MSA) business should not have been a surprise. ...Read More
CAAA: Employer Fraud Highlights Comp Challenge 06/04/2024
By: California Applicants' Attorneys Association
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
Employer insurance fraud in California’s workers' compensation system continues to be a significant issue, as evidenced by recent high-profile cases involving substantial payroll underreporting.  It is estimated that workers' compensation employer fraud costs the state ...Read More

Geaney: Court Dismisses Claim of Petitioner Shot During Course of Employment 05/31/2024
By: John H. Geaney
State: NJ | Segment: NORTH | 0
There are very few cases in the New Jersey Division of Workers’ Compensation involving injuries to employees who are shot at work. Avery v. Next Mile, LLC/DSP (May 23, 2024) presents several interesting issues. ...Read More
Kamin: EDD's Understaffing and Tech Problems is Delaying Settlements 05/29/2024
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
The Legislature’s failure to fully fund the Employment Development Department has led to a situation where countless settlements are being delayed, and the department’s annual revenues are being artificially depressed due to understaffing. ...Read More

Moore: My Own Claim Problems 05/28/2024
By: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 1
Last month, I had my own claims adjuster experience. I will not go into the name of my homeowner’s policy insurance carrier or the nature of my claim.  ...Read More
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