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Cattie Gonzalez Medicare Compliance Webinar Set for Wed June 26 12 PM PST 3PM EST

Monday, June 24, 2024 | 437 | 0


Join us on Wednesday, June 26 at 3 PM EST for Cattie & Gonzalez 2024 Quarterly Medicare Secondary Payer Series Webinar

In 2024, there have been significant changes announced, major new programs that will get started soon, and consequently numerous new Medicare related responsibilities for both plaintiffs and defendants in liability, no-fault, and workers compensation claims and litigated cases. Are you familiar with the various announcements? Do you understand the new requirements resulting from same? Is your institution ready for these new changes? Are your claims professionals ready to implement these latest mandates? If you are plaintiff or defense legal counsel, are you and your firm ready to advice your client on the potential effects of these latest policy requirements?

Our webinar discussion on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 from 3 PM to 4 PM EST will focus on all of the recent announcements which the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has published during 2024 regarding the 3 major MSP compliance components- mandatory insurer reporting, conditional payments recovery, and future medical consideration. To join John Cattie, Rafael Gonzalez, and Jim Anderson's webinar conversation and discussion, please register at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83801302666 or contact us at www.cattielaw.com info@cattielaw.com 844.546.3500